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2024-06-26 16:07 |
TRON Active Addresses Surge to 2.5 Million Daily Average
According to @intotheblock, the number of active TRON (TRX) addresses has been steadily increasing since the beginning of the year, now approaching a daily average of 2.5 million. This growth significantly surpasses other leading Layer 1 networks, indicating a strong user engagement and potential for further network utilization. (Source) |
2024-12-09 16:57 |
Litecoin's On-Chain Activity Surpasses Expectations
According to IntoTheBlock, Litecoin remains a significant player among Layer 1 networks. The cryptocurrency boasts over 370,000 daily active addresses and more than 200,000 daily transactions. These metrics indicate that Litecoin's network activity surpasses that of several other blockchain networks, highlighting its continued relevance and potential for traders. (Source) |